June Shannon

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Shoe Size: 6.5 US edit
Birthplace: United States edit
Birth Date: 1979-08-10 edit
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User rated ★(ugly feet)
Member since 09/2019
2025-02-05 16:25:57
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Mr. Chet Terchesesmel
Member since 03/2021
Rookie Guilder (Level 1)
2021-05-19 00:09:46
93 of us love these feet and rank as the prize of Beautiful Feet! We are the wise ones!
Ye Olde Doc
Member since 08/2019
High Knight (Level 5)Trusted Uploader♛89
2021-05-19 00:34:16
There is someone for everyone.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
nail-less wife's toes
Member since 11/2020
2020-11-27 12:08:57
Why June Shannon has rating "ugly, bad"??? Maybe fat puffy stubby short toes looks nasty? Maybe lack of nail beds just with 0,5 millimeters of scars nails looks so weird? I love these shapes, She has fabulous sexy feet, for sure! My wife is the twin of June???
(She almost looks the same except toenails, wf's has nothing)
June Shannon=TOP FEET...as woman it's a matter of tastes!
User rated ★(ugly feet)
Member since 11/2018
High Knight (Level 5)♛79
2020-11-27 12:26:09
Most people don't like that kind of feet.
Ye Olde Doc
Member since 08/2019
High Knight (Level 5)Trusted Uploader♛89
2020-11-27 12:31:37
He's trying to make up for that with multiple accounts giving us the same rant, wife include
Member since 06/2014
High Knight (Level 5)♛68
2020-11-27 12:35:42
Check out Miley Cyrus @nail-less wife's toes, her feet are right up your alley.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
wife's freak toes
Member since 11/2020
2020-11-24 08:32:06
Maybe the shortest toenails I've ever seen on Wiki, just micro fessures in the flesh of those stubby fat smooth baby toes. Perfection 10/10
Member since 09/2020
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)♛16
2020-10-16 16:01:34
Back in the 90's she was a foot double for Carmen Electra. True story.
User rated ★★(bad feet)
Member since 03/2010
Guild Knight (Level 4)♛13
2020-04-22 12:40:56
No amount of photoshop can save her.
Cheddar Shredder
Member since 12/2018
Rookie Guilder (Level 1)
2019-01-24 21:18:58
Mother of God! Jackpot!
Member since 06/2016
Devoted Guilder (Level 3)♛17
2019-08-21 13:25:09
Please HELP ! ! I can't unsee it....
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 09/2018
Rookie Guilder (Level 1)♛2
2018-10-06 04:53:07
Mr Grik … πŸ”™πŸ”šπŸ‡¬πŸ‡·
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 07/2018
2018-07-27 02:50:47
Wow 😲 is that Karlie Kloss ?!
User rated ★★★(ok feet)
footsiefoot reborn
Member since 03/2015
High Knight (Level 5)Trusted Uploader♛74
2018-07-27 02:53:34
Member since 03/2016
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)♛10
2018-08-23 19:15:22
Mmmmhmmmhmmm so sexy
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 07/2018
2018-07-27 02:49:45
Feet from 1:06
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 05/2013
Trusted Uploader♛20
2016-01-10 04:04:36
I've recently discovered that June Bug has several items for auction on eBay. In the attempt to find something good and soiled, my hopes were crushed when I learned that @Grik had already purchased everything.
User rated ★★(bad feet)
footsiefoot reborn
Member since 03/2015
High Knight (Level 5)Trusted Uploader♛74
2016-01-10 04:07:53
That's a shame!
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Deli Sliced Sole Meat
Member since 01/2016
Rookie Guilder (Level 1)
2016-01-10 04:37:30
What do you guys here think June's feet smell and taste like if you had to guess? I'm in the delicatessen business.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Sensitive Beta Guy
Member since 01/2016
Rookie Guilder (Level 1)
2016-01-10 04:38:23
Not sure, but I'm a nice guy so I deserve a better woman than this!
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Master Bates
Member since 01/2016
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)
2016-01-10 04:39:26
Garbage and spoiled milk if you really want to know. @SBG, no..no you don't.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Karl Childers
Member since 01/2016
Rookie Guilder (Level 1)
2016-01-10 04:40:02
You boys ain't right in the head I reckon mmm hmm.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 05/2013
Trusted Uploader♛20
2016-01-10 06:11:47
Not even a mention? Looks like @Larry runs this site. I couldn't even begin to describe the anger. Looks like @Larry's twelve operating sock puppets have managed to silence me. I sure hope it wasn't friends of mine.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
irradiated ivan
Member since 12/2013
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)
2016-01-10 06:13:27
All I can say is lolz!
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 05/2013
Trusted Uploader♛20
2016-01-10 06:28:11
Excuse me, @D-Slice. I know who you are. Your sock puppets are vast, but they're very predictable, and frankly, they're also very simple. Some have made the assumption that you're possibly an attorney or something similar. I disagree. You're probably someone with a trust fund. I don't find you as an intellectual. @Larry, displaying any type of humor that required thought? Has there been such a case? I think not.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
irradiated ivan
Member since 12/2013
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)
2016-01-10 06:28:47
@Kranzi - Yo best friends are green, no??
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
irradiated ivan
Member since 12/2013
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)
2016-01-10 06:30:29
D-slice definitely has a niche, food+feet. ;)
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 05/2013
Trusted Uploader♛20
2016-01-10 07:32:37
@ivan- I'm not a noob here. I don't know you and I'm unsure of your intentions. So you'll forgive me if I respond with, (?)
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 11/2013
High Knight (Level 5)Trusted UploaderModerator♛104
2016-01-10 07:43:34
@Kranz Wassup! @Ivan is @Joker he got suspended along with @Pig and Keeper..Come back DAMNIT!
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 05/2012
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)♛54
2016-01-10 07:56:33
Well, if you look carefully at the pic, 2 of the best flotation devices ever known to man are on clear display.
User rated ★(ugly feet)
Member since 02/2014
Guild Knight (Level 4)Trusted Uploader♛7
2016-01-10 16:35:14
I wonder if @Deli Sliced Sole Meat, @Sensitive Beta Guy, @Master Bates, and @Karl Childers are the same person; perhaps Sexy Larry?
User rated ★★(bad feet)
footsiefoot reborn
Member since 03/2015
High Knight (Level 5)Trusted Uploader♛74
2016-01-10 16:44:15
Surely not larry?πŸ˜€
User rated ★(ugly feet)
Member since 09/2010
Guild Knight (Level 4)Trusted UploaderModerator♛69
2016-01-10 16:55:17
@Elway... short answer 'Yes.'

There was one final one, but it got rejected. Also there was a post by @Kranz (@Deli) blaming Larry for getting Kranz kicked out of Guild, and Larry responded (as @Deli). Said it wasn't his fault, he's just doing what he does & Kranz shoulda read the comments before approving them.
User rated ★(ugly feet)
Member since 02/2014
Guild Knight (Level 4)Trusted Uploader♛7
2016-01-10 17:10:39
@bib60, I read that response by @deli and rejected it (obviously other guilders rejected it too). I suspected it but @deli's rejected response confirmed it. Besides who else would come up with a user name like "Deli Sliced Sole Meat". @Larry and all of his aliases seem to be fixated on smell and cheese.
User rated ★(ugly feet)
Member since 09/2010
Guild Knight (Level 4)Trusted UploaderModerator♛69
2016-01-10 17:12:19
The death of personal responsibility and self-determination happened sometime after Dr. Spock and the Hippies, as "The ME Generation" came to adulthood.
User rated ★(ugly feet)
Member since 02/2014
Guild Knight (Level 4)Trusted Uploader♛7
2016-01-10 17:14:13
@DSSM, can you list all of your different user names and do you use a different email address for each one? How do you keep track of all that stuff?
User rated ★★(bad feet)
footsiefoot reborn
Member since 03/2015
High Knight (Level 5)Trusted Uploader♛74
2016-01-10 17:15:48
Indeed! Even Dr Spock admitted he messed up!
User rated ★(ugly feet)
Member since 09/2010
Guild Knight (Level 4)Trusted UploaderModerator♛69
2016-01-10 17:17:13
@Elway- Larry has said that back in the day, he acutally had an Excel spreadsheet of his various sockpuppet logins & info! (:^o)
User rated ★(ugly feet)
Member since 09/2010
Guild Knight (Level 4)Trusted UploaderModerator♛69
2016-01-10 17:31:59
>"If a comment ***I consider acceptable*** is rejected, then it is game on. Simple really."

Ah, the mark of a sociopath and similar Axis II (now "Cluster B" in DSM-V) personality disorders...
No respect for social mores and democratic process, nor any authority or rules (Hey, takes one to know one!)

"Impulsive, irresponsible, deviant, unruly. Act without due consideration. Meet social obligations only when self-serving. Disrespect societal customs, rules, and standards. See themselves as free and independent. People with antisocial personality disorder depict a long pattern of disregard for other people's rights. They often cross the line and violate these rights."

Or is that just 'Rugged Individualism?' ???
User rated ★(ugly feet)
Member since 09/2010
Guild Knight (Level 4)Trusted UploaderModerator♛69
2016-01-10 17:47:08
@Larry- We've had this "real vs. virtual worlds" discussion too many times already with @Grik. Most real people in the real world consider the virtual world to be an extension of the real. Here's one I was saving for @Grik:

This argument that the Internet is some mystical creation that no laws should apply to, that is a recipe for anarchy and the wild west." ~Australian communications minister Stephen Conroy

Oh, and don't worry too much about @Kranz. He can be a tad reactive, but will probably get over it eventually, especially if he can get back into Guild.
User rated ★(ugly feet)
Member since 02/2014
Guild Knight (Level 4)Trusted Uploader♛7
2016-01-10 17:51:46
"I couldn't name all the accounts at this point for the life of me." @DSSM, so here is my list: @Sexy Larry, @Larry Limburger, @Lawrence 2 @Cheezus Christ, @Lickefofcheese, @The Professor of Chaos, @Colonel Angusy, @Deli Sliced Sole Meat, @Sensitive Beta Guy, @Master Bates, @Karl Childers, @Flippy.
Any more off the top of your head?
User rated ★(ugly feet)
Member since 09/2010
Guild Knight (Level 4)Trusted UploaderModerator♛69
2016-01-10 17:56:33
@Elway- There are a *bunch* more from when he & Ram used to rampage here in 2014. And he is not @Flippy.
User rated ★★(bad feet)
footsiefoot reborn
Member since 03/2015
High Knight (Level 5)Trusted Uploader♛74
2016-01-10 18:02:46
Resectible gentleman or was it respectful gentleman!
User rated ★(ugly feet)
Member since 09/2010
Guild Knight (Level 4)Trusted UploaderModerator♛69
2016-01-10 18:12:07
@DSSM>"I think I'm going on wikifeet vacation, this is supposed to be an escape and a joke."

I've done that, several times, when it seems more like work than fun. And all the negativity, flaming, and such is also off-putting after awhile and wears me out. I don't blame you a bit, because I see my unflagging didn't last long (what, 15 minutes?) and that *all* your comments in this thread have been rejected for no reason (clean comments that are within guidelines).
User rated ★(ugly feet)
Member since 02/2014
Guild Knight (Level 4)Trusted Uploader♛7
2016-01-10 18:16:33
@Jeffrey From Milwaukee, yes how could I forget that one. A young Jeffrey Dahmer as your avatar. You must have a genius IQ. I crossed off @flippy from my list.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Master Bates
Member since 01/2016
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)
2016-01-10 18:31:44
@Elway, I really doubt I have a genius IQ, I'm far too easily entertained. @BIB60, I can't chat with you Re: your recent query in the chatroom, however I'd assure you that nobody here is in any danger of violating anything. The only liable party for anything would be the site owner, and even then it would be a tall order. The problem with having internet laws, again, you can't prove who was behind the keyboard. They may exist, but there is a reason you don't hear them prosecuted. Looking at fully clothed pictures of underaged celebrities is not a crime. Looking at their feet, is not a crime, stating what you would like to do in your imagination, is not a crime. However, It's funny to see people freak out when people such as our dear comrade ^^^^ tells them otherwise. In fact, it's hilarious.
User rated ★(ugly feet)
Member since 09/2010
Guild Knight (Level 4)Trusted UploaderModerator♛69
2016-01-10 18:45:01
OK, well I *do* have a genius IQ, but it hasn't done much for me in life. But I, too, am 'easily amused,' enjoying almost every movie I've ever watched, regardless of what the critics and others thought of it.

Yep, I know there is *nothing* illegal going on here, and if there were, it'll be a cold day in July when anything is done about them or to them. It really is hilarious to see people running around making those type threats, swinging their Internet law book and alphabet agencies at everyone. I've seen *at least* half a dozen users here make those threats for years, and the site is still up. The 17-year-old galleries are still here, there are still young children in the photos, and the ephebophiliacs continue to clamor for those in their mid-teens. Life goes on.
User rated ★(ugly feet)
footsiefoot reborn
Member since 03/2015
High Knight (Level 5)Trusted Uploader♛74
2016-01-10 18:46:40
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 05/2012
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)♛54
2016-01-10 18:48:06
Gentlemen, what any of this has to do with June I dunno. An interesting discourse. My take? I don't care how many spa accounts the Great Larry has, because he is entertaining, above all else. And the Warden likes him here. Angus, as for Stephen Conroy, the guy is a commie dope, a total lunatic, caught out being intellectually wanting many times. And, anywhere in the "rules" here that bans having multiple accounts?
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
irradiated ivan
Member since 12/2013
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)
2016-01-10 18:54:38
The Warden is probably sitting back with Popcorn watching the squabbles right now. Don't get any ideas about popcorn Larry! (:^P)
User rated ★(ugly feet)
footsiefoot reborn
Member since 03/2015
High Knight (Level 5)Trusted Uploader♛74
2016-01-10 19:09:13
Don't you mean cheese popcorn???
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
irradiated ivan
Member since 12/2013
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)
2016-01-10 19:15:12
indeed lolz
User rated ★(ugly feet)
Member since 09/2010
Guild Knight (Level 4)Trusted UploaderModerator♛69
2016-01-10 19:17:11
@Grik>"And, anywhere in the "rules" here that bans having multiple accounts?"

Surprisingly, not in the written rules, however, in Fireside, Eli said it is forbidden to have more than one account, but that he "will look the other way for *ONE* additional account so long as it is used for legitimate purposes and not used to troll." The definition of 'legitimate' is for big uploaders to use rather than their 'main' account which is under false reporting attacks, or for Guild members to hasten removal of 'stubborn' pictures (AC/UA/Dupe) that are hung up in galleries.

De facto, he *is* looking the other way 99% of the time and doesn't give a crap what anyone does on here, so long as the shekels keep hitting the PayPal account.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 05/2012
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)♛54
2016-01-10 19:54:04
Doubtless the heavy hitting Uploaders here have multiple accounts to guard malicious reporting. Not Shred though.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 05/2013
Trusted Uploader♛20
2016-01-10 22:57:44
I don't believe I've done anything wrong. THIS SHIT HAPPENED IN A MATTER OF MINUTES! @Larry didn't care. He used his trust fund money to torture local residents.
You see, in VB we handle this type of invasion by filling a soda can with sand. We would use it as a brick. To your head. @Larry, you're a coward. And on the beach you wouldn't last a New York minute.
User rated ★(ugly feet)
Member since 09/2010
Guild Knight (Level 4)Trusted UploaderModerator♛69
2016-01-10 23:00:48
@Grik>"Angus, as for Stephen Conroy, the guy is a commie dope, a total lunatic, caught out being intellectually wanting many times."

Well, even a blind hog roots up an ear of corn every now and then. And he did.
User rated ★(ugly feet)
Member since 09/2010
Guild Knight (Level 4)Trusted UploaderModerator♛69
2016-01-11 03:57:39
@Larry- VB = Venice Beach

and 'there' = 'their' ;)
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Master Bates
Member since 01/2016
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)
2016-01-11 04:01:35
Thanks for spell checking me @BIB60, Believe it or not, I do know the difference. I'm a dying breed that still dictates most things.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Master Bates
Member since 01/2016
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)
2016-01-11 04:03:47
Also, thanks for the geography lesson. The only places I visit in California are La Jolla and Santa Barbara.
User rated ★(ugly feet)
Member since 09/2010
Guild Knight (Level 4)Trusted UploaderModerator♛69
2016-01-11 04:04:31
>"a bunch of pissed off 99 percenters were bitching outside my office building"

Aha- The throngs of angry Wikifeeters finally FOUND you!

You got a living, breathing transcriptionist, or do you use Dragon Naturally Speaking like @Pixxxie does?
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Master Bates
Member since 01/2016
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)
2016-01-11 04:04:51
@BIB60, at this point, being killed off by pissed off wikifeeters....and THAT making the news....is EXACTLY how I'd like to go.
User rated ★(ugly feet)
Member since 09/2010
Guild Knight (Level 4)Trusted UploaderModerator♛69
2016-01-11 04:05:29
That actually would be an *awesome* legacy/tribute!
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Master Bates
Member since 01/2016
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)
2016-01-11 04:05:43
Real life one I surely pay too much, but I don't do all that much work currently.
User rated ★(ugly feet)
Member since 09/2010
Guild Knight (Level 4)Trusted UploaderModerator♛69
2016-01-11 04:08:04
I've been on the receiving end of that, both legal and a *lot* of medical (owned a biz doing that).
User rated ★(ugly feet)
Member since 02/2014
Guild Knight (Level 4)Trusted Uploader♛7
2018-02-11 12:15:49
I'm resurrecting this comment chain to recognize Sexy Larry (Feet are Life) and all his aliases. Many, but certainly not all, are on this wall. Here's a list just in case your interested. If you know of other please PM me.

User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Feet Are Life
Member since 09/2017
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)♛7
2017-12-30 23:26:39
My heart cannot handle this beauty
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Feet Are Life
Member since 09/2017
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)♛7
2017-12-30 23:26:04
Beauty and grace!
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 11/2013
Guild Knight (Level 4)♛4
2017-12-26 16:41:52
Good for June, getting a takeout bag from Red Lobster
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 11/2013
Guild Knight (Level 4)♛4
2017-12-16 13:50:34
THIS. This is what I want to wake up to on Christmas πŸŽ„πŸ˜πŸ§€
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Feet Are Life
Member since 09/2017
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)♛7
2017-11-05 21:30:22
🎢 β™« And I can't fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fighting for
It's time to bring this ship into the shore
And throw away the oars, forever β™«β™©
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 11/2013
Guild Knight (Level 4)♛4
2017-09-11 06:34:29
That gummy smile along with the beaut feet one sexy package ~
Member since 12/2010
2017-04-05 18:45:07
glad she is losing weight and maybe can be an inspiration to others (like her kids) but jeez her poor kids especially the youngest one are in real danger of diabetes or other health issues. It's sad to see how utterly obese that youngest kid is.
User rated ★★(bad feet)
Member since 03/2013
Guild Knight (Level 4)♛45
2017-04-05 18:47:06
My thoughts too. I never found her attractive. but I appreciate the effort and The example.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 05/2012
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)♛54
2017-04-05 18:30:38
What happened?!?!?
User rated ★(ugly feet)
Member since 06/2010
2017-04-05 18:35:24
Um. What you said.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Master Bates
Member since 01/2016
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)
2016-01-07 04:42:23
Now this is what wikifeet is all about
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 05/2012
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)♛54
2017-02-17 17:22:47
What?! Drowning Juney?! Impossible!! Too many inbuilt floatation devices
Member since 04/2016
Guild Knight (Level 4)♛125
2017-02-17 18:55:32
Great picture, like drown a whale, sorry for malice
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