As requested, here are all YouTube videos posted on wikiFeet's walls.
Listing page 1977 of 2057
Melina Perez
Eve vs Natalya (LumberJill match) Melina outside as a lumberjill... skip to 2:27 for the part where Melina takes her shoes off and fights in her barefeet
Posted by MvP419 on 2011-11-29 15:21:59
Anahí de Cárdenas
..........................................................[removed by 37303][removed by 37303]
Posted by Batkanman on 2011-11-27 11:55:19
Tamara Hope
Just so she could have a page and the curious could have some idea of how her feet look, I added the above photo as a placeholder. Here is a TV ad where you can see her feet, sort of.
Posted by Cthulhu on 2011-11-26 02:47:02