Michelle McCool

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Shoe Size: 9.5 US edit
Birthplace: United States edit
Birth Date: 1980-01-25 edit
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User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 10/2012
2015-09-08 00:07:16
Biggest female feet in wwe history?
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
O'rion's Sun
Member since 12/2016
2019-10-13 05:38:52
Nia’s are the same size. Tamina’s are bigger
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 05/2010
High Knight (Level 5)♛19
2019-10-13 05:40:27
Charlotte Flair. But this comment was made in 2015, so it's ok.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 10/2012
2022-01-28 06:36:22
Yes, Charlotte's are definitely bigger. In 2015 though, Charlotte was in NXT and just getting started and less known so that's why I said Michelle had the biggest feet. Only rivaled by Natalya and Tamina at the time. Tamina's seem smaller than her size, eye test still gives it to Michelle. Charlotte is the queen now though :)
Member since 02/2015
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)♛10
2022-02-04 15:06:57
Not really 756. Chyna wore a 10 or a 10.5 too.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 10/2012
2022-02-23 03:55:30
True, fair point, it was an oversight on my part. Eye test says they're comparable though, shoe sizes aren't entirely accurate.
Member since 10/2022
2023-06-18 13:42:10
Lots of people usually forget about the diva Tori and her size 10 from the late 90's - early 00's
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 11/2013
Rookie Guilder (Level 1)
2023-07-17 06:46:07
Beth phoenix wears size 10.5... I saw on a shoe box label on tweeter
User rated ★★★(ok feet)
Member since 05/2011
High Knight (Level 5)♛36
2024-02-24 19:14:16
I am a very generous rater and give her 3 stars.
Member since 09/2019
2024-02-24 17:19:46
Dang that's disappointing. If Undertaker had a foot fetish he must've told it to Rest In Peace
Member since 02/2014
2023-02-03 22:16:43
I've a foot Fetish so.. I'm not nore ever have Hated on a Woman because her feet ain't MY particular type /style /look etc of foot regardless but these ain't pretty.. 🤔
User rated ★★(bad feet)
Member since 02/2020
2023-01-25 22:30:43
She tries hard but damn her feet are ugly.
User rated ★★(bad feet)
Ye Olde Doc
Member since 08/2019
High Knight (Level 5)Trusted Uploader♛89
2023-01-25 22:37:00
When the face is nice, truth can be HARD
User rated ★(ugly feet)
Rates Feet Only
Member since 12/2020
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)♛1
2021-06-06 23:04:35
Pics like this make me feel bad for rating poorly because obviously they are trying to make them look nice.

The reason I find feet so interesting is because there is little you can do to cover up their flaws.

She had a super fresh pedicure but pedicures do nothing for foot/toe deformities like bent/crooked toes, "finger-toes", unusual toenail growth, bone structure, etc.

I've seen some sexy feet that are long over due for a pedicure but it doesn't matter too much because they're physically flawless or close to it. Sad case here cuz she actually tries but no dice. Other than her feet tho she's a sexy lil thang.

Member since 02/2014
Rookie Guilder (Level 1)
2021-10-14 10:22:23

Cosmetic changes in a futile effort to disguise the feet's fundamental failings.
User rated ★★★(ok feet)
Ye Olde Doc
Member since 08/2019
High Knight (Level 5)Trusted Uploader♛89
2021-10-14 11:38:32
You're right... People will pick on a pic (lol) for "dry" heels or some "surface condition" that is often transitory, not in other photos, or simply as a result of successfully making it to 75 years old (aging, wear and tear). I can understand commenting on lack of care but ultimately if I was to rate a foot, I TRY to make it more about the fundamental structure and proportions and discount a transitory issue. I also heavily discount age and try to rate based on the the foot at the height of popularity or fame, not in senior status age. I say I "try" though because subconsciously a great or poor pedi on a definitive pic will provoke a visceral response deep in the foot loving brain. Unrelated to feet, a good face (or trim body) does similar and inflate ratings or deflate (say on an chubby woman with perfectly fine feet). I'm a little better at ignoring that when rating feet. Anyway, points well taken regarding temporary efforts and conditions vs basic structural wins or fails.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 12/2017
2022-02-04 14:23:50
Her feet are gorgeous!
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 09/2018
Devoted Guilder (Level 3)♛23
2019-10-13 06:28:54
The Undertaker is a lucky man!
Member since 04/2011
Devoted Guilder (Level 3)♛7
2019-07-28 08:42:44
Dangerously Sexy!
"Take Everything Leave Nothing"
Member since 04/2016
Guild Knight (Level 4)♛125
2019-07-28 08:53:29
yep lol!
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 05/2012
2019-07-28 08:12:27
she has some of the nicest feet in all of wrestling. But also look up Summer Rae, Maryse Oulette, and Barbie Blank, they also have very nice feet. Also Torrie Wilson, and Lita, and Maria Kanellis....oh, if you have a foot fetish you need to be a wrestling fan! I remember when I was younger all I would do is stare at their feet!
Member since 07/2012
2016-06-08 15:37:11
Does Michelle have snapchat?
if so, what is her add?
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 10/2014
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)
2016-04-23 19:53:36
Contains instagram videos and pictures------>
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 10/2012
2016-04-24 06:28:19
Whoever made this is amazing
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 03/2015
2016-02-09 14:18:02
The lady has it all together from head to toe. Lovely legs and gorgeous feet.
alien feet
Member since 09/2015
Guild Knight (Level 4)♛4
2016-02-05 20:21:16
Better then Campbell's any time.
Member since 09/2010
Guild Knight (Level 4)Trusted UploaderModerator♛69
2016-02-05 20:26:58
And a unique see-through #bath
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 10/2014
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)
2016-02-05 20:17:27
Small Barefoot 'Medley' during her WWE Run
Member since 03/2013
Guild Knight (Level 4)♛45
2016-01-25 15:25:21
Member since 01/2016
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)
2016-01-25 15:56:04
@Stallion- You'll throw your back out again. (:^p)
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 08/2012
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)
2016-01-25 15:19:49
Sure ! I'll play !
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 01/2011
Guild Knight (Level 4)Trusted Uploader♛9
2014-10-23 20:11:08
She looks gorgeous here and love her toes and feet:)
Member since 02/2014
Devoted Guilder (Level 3)♛1
2015-05-15 02:55:28
She was such a hot McDiva. Her Florida accent is a given bonus.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 01/2011
Guild Knight (Level 4)Trusted Uploader♛9
2015-05-15 03:23:18
@Ick There is really not much of an accent here in FL. My older brother who has lived here like 20 yrs. prior to me moving came North to Ill. and had NO accent at all :) Most southern accents seem (at least to me) come from states north or west of FL
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 08/2012
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)
2015-09-13 16:57:38
She's from Palatka and there is a heavy southern accent in the north part of the state
Member since 08/2015
2015-08-19 04:48:48
Oh yeah, this is my jam. great soles
Member since 02/2014
Devoted Guilder (Level 3)♛1
2014-10-21 05:41:09
Man, that's gotta hurt!
User rated ★★★★(nice feet)
Member since 08/2013
Devoted Guilder (Level 3)♛3
2014-09-12 14:41:20
I can work with these
Herbert Loves Feet
Member since 04/2014
Rookie Guilder (Level 1)
2014-04-07 04:29:52
Id like to be between her soles
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