Cassandra Peterson

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Shoe Size: 10 US edit
Birthplace: United States edit
Birth Date: 1951-09-17 edit
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User rated ★★★★(nice feet)
Member since 12/2021
2025-01-16 18:12:46
Very pretty painted toes in these black pantyhose! Beautiful
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 11/2017
2024-09-27 11:27:01
I’m not into sweets, but suddenly I have a craving for jelly beans.
Member since 09/2019
2024-10-22 11:34:20
I was gonna say reminds me of skittles!
Member since 09/2019
2024-10-22 11:34:01
Wow look at those cute stubby toes! Such excellent feet
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 11/2012
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)
2024-09-27 12:06:00
I luv those big toe
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 04/2018
2024-09-17 19:39:45
in the mid 1990's I was lucky to meet Cassandra Peterson as Elvira at the Lakewood Mall in Lakewood WA one Oct day when she was signing autographs at the Pop Up Halloween costume store , I didn't have anything for her to autograph so I handed her an envelope to autograph that I had in my jacket pocket, She was very nice in person to meet and loved her Coors Posters that I picked up at the local Liquor Stores that they would give away around Halloween and I also have her door poster in the Coffin too.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 08/2023
Rookie Guilder (Level 1)♛1
2024-07-01 04:09:29
Killer feet for a woman over 70.
Member since 08/2010
2024-09-17 06:57:05
your assuming this pic was taking recently. but this could have been 20 years ago.
Member since 06/2010
2024-01-04 10:21:28
sexy feet
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 12/2018
2023-09-17 20:42:43
The first woman even a bit sexy in a computer game (Elvira - Mistress of the Dark from 1990, I played it on the Amiga).
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 01/2018
2023-08-06 04:46:32
I bet her soles are perfect like her toes, would love to see them!!
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 12/2018
2023-09-17 20:41:24
I would like to see them too. Very hot picture and those feet look very promising here. Wonder from when it is.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 12/2022
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)
2023-09-14 08:34:49
Steven G Mangerian
Member since 06/2013
2023-02-08 08:40:51
Beautiful gorgeous hot and sexy toes and beautiful gorgeous hot and sexy feet I wish she showed the soles of her feet
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 01/2018
2022-12-19 03:59:31
Wow, perfect toes! Would LOVE to see her soles!
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 08/2019
2021-12-30 18:54:21
Eu passaria um dia inteiro, uma vida toda beijando esses dedos lindos, se ela me desse a oportunidade, eu seria escravo dela!!!
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 10/2011
Guild Knight (Level 4)♛67
2022-11-30 12:39:44
English, German, and Norweigan (I'm sure there are more) have separate words for toes. Most languages that evolved from the same Slavic source (Polish, Russian, Ukrainianian, etc) more directly translate to foot finger. French uses the less formal doigt (finger) and more formal and literary (doigt de pied (foot finger).

I'm sure there are more and our foreign speaking members can correct me where I'm wrong.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 03/2012
2022-10-23 08:58:50
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 01/2013
2022-10-21 18:57:44
Elvira is more sexier than I thought !
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Ye Olde Doc
Member since 08/2019
High Knight (Level 5)Trusted Uploader♛89
2022-10-21 19:01:22
I spied her nude in the early 70s... not under the Elvira name, and not in the dark hair goth look - There was a reinforced toe stocking pic that was KILLER but that one I can't find on the internet. Others can be found (cover of one mag)
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Ye Olde Doc
Member since 08/2019
High Knight (Level 5)Trusted Uploader♛89
2022-10-21 19:13:22
IF she's in goth garb nude or hardcore, it's FAKE though, not her. The real stuff is well before the Elvira days, in her red-brown hair.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 05/2010
Experienced Guilder (Level 2)♛2
2021-10-31 16:13:20
She needs to quit CRYPT-TOEing around and finally BARE her SOLE! ;)
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 10/2011
Guild Knight (Level 4)♛67
2021-12-30 19:24:21
That's close enough for me. My imagination will fill in the rest.
Member since 11/2018
2022-09-17 00:36:05
I'm imagining an Elvira movie starring Alexandra Daddario or Eva Green 🤤
Member since 08/2010
Devoted Guilder (Level 3)♛115
2022-09-17 01:26:08
Yep, either would be perfect....
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 11/2019
2022-07-28 12:47:32
Estou ainda mais apaixonado por essa mulher.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 08/2012
2022-04-18 01:41:49
Yes! Thank you for posting a close up.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 02/2022
2022-06-01 20:25:11
Just fantastic!! 😍
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 03/2012
2022-07-11 17:57:50
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Member since 09/2019
2022-07-02 21:32:19
I really dig em! Great curves!
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Ye Olde Doc
Member since 08/2019
High Knight (Level 5)Trusted Uploader♛89
2022-07-02 21:39:34
This was one of my favorite styles of foot when I was 19, 20 and first saw Cassandra's stocking clad foot (reinf toe) in a men's mag. That particular pic I've never seen online.
User rated ★★★★★(beautiful feet)
Elliot Spencer
Member since 06/2021
2022-04-18 08:35:56
Where’d this one come from?
Member since 06/2010
2022-04-18 10:44:56
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